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Gift Administration

The process of accepting any noncash gift involves a number of details and support functions.
Educating yourself and acquiring new skills is essential to positioning yourself and your organization for success.
The pages in this section are arranged according to the following topics:
1. Be Professional
Our industry has made significant progress in the past few years to expand learning opportunities thorugh many sources, including:
- University degree and certificate programs
- Seminars from for-profit vendors
- Industry societes such as CASE, AFP, AHP, ACGA, and PPP.
Explore the essential aspects of ethics and professionalism for nonprofit fundraisers.
2. Heritage Societies and Stewardship
Coming Soon. This section will cover aspects of thanking and recognizing donors.
3. How to Accept Assets and Complex Gifts
If you operate in a small shop and are responsible for all (or most of) the details, this section will help you to figure out where to focus your energy.
If, on the other hand, you're a gift officer in a larger organization, it's important to be plugged into what goes on in the "back room" so that accuracy and efficiency can be enhanced--doing so will give you increased credibility with your donors and within your organizations.
4. Working with Professionals Advisors
Many of our benefactors--especially major donors--have advisors such as accountants, attorney, financial managers and in some cases, philanthropic advisors who help to guide and manage their affairs.
This section explores how we, as representatives of nonprofits, should professionally work with these other parties to ensure the best gift for our donors and our organizations.
REMINDER: All content provided by Philanthropy Works is provided in the spirit of education. It is not legal or tax advice. This material merely provides an overview of, and does not purport to describe completely, the requirements established by Internal Revenue Code, the Treasury Regulations and related IRS pronouncements. You and your prospective benefactors must consult an attorney for legal advice. You will note there are occasions in the material where PW contributors offer prejudices and opinions. Please accept them as such.