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Gift Planning Knowledge
These pages contain the finer points of the technical stuff you need to know (or be learning). Look for new content every week, designed to stimulate new thinking and exploration.

Jacqueline was three years into her MGO career when she first met with Denise, an alumnus of the school of engineering, class of ’72. They began building a warm relationship, and Jacqueline considered Denise to be a prospect for a major gift. More>

When we talk about an estate commitment from a donor, most of the time we describe it as their ultimate gift. The implication, of course, is that it is their last gift. But why should it be? More>

A look at the finer points of when and why and how to start the conversation about estate planning with your donors. More>

If there was ever a year when your organization should be receiving gifts of securities, this is it. More>

As your donors scramble to get everything done before the end of the year, it's good to know exactly when and how their gifts needs to be in the door to count for 2014. More>

When talking with your donors about a CGA, make sure you include this alternative which might be a really smart move for your donor. More>

"Our friends just set up a Charitable Remainder Trust and I'm curious: Does the number of beneficiaries of the trust affect the tax benefits?" Read on for the answer. More>

A piece in the Chronicle of Philanthropy serves as a useful reminder of the need to mention appreciated securities (both stocks and mutual funds) to our donors. More>

Recent years have seen stocks enjoy a wonderful run-up in value, with most markets reaching all-time highs. But what are the implications of that success for us as nonprofits and fundraisers? More>

When dealing with potential gifts of non-cash assets, we must be cognizant of the general rules around a pre-arranged sale. This is a bit tricky, because what constitutes a pre-arranged sale is not necessarily an easy thing to determine, and the guidance isn’t always clear from the IRS. More>