Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT)
The dictionary definition: A Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT) is a special tax-exempt
The dictionary definition: A Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT) is a special tax-exempt
A DPCGA offers potentially significant tax benefits to the donor, so the smart move is to make sure the donor's aware of it.
Most often, benefactors under the age of 70 will choose a charitable trust instead of a CGA. But every situation is unique.
There are a number of considerations that must be clarified and understood up-front by all parties involved. In terms of defining the specifics, here's what you need to know.
Ideal assets for a benefactor to use to fund a CGA with your organization.
Oh goodie—tax issues! Yay!
You're to be excused for sarcastically thinking that. Just know that there's a minimum of actual IRS gobbledygook involved in what follows, as the intent here is to lay out different factors for your consideration in the CGA planning stages.
Put simply, a Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA) is a great way for an older donor to accomplish these 5 goals.
Once you're in conversation about CGAs, there are several considerations you need to have in mind as you go forward in your communications.