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It's an unfortunate fact that many (most?) of the charitable donors out there do not have a current estate plan. Sad, but true. At the same time, a gift through a donor's estate is the most logical and frequent source of major gifts. More>

Remember, especially when it feels hard, that you are doing inspired and important work. More>

The Benefits of Mapping Donor Meetings
Before you meet with a prospect, one of the best things you can do is to create a map of the meeting. It's a key ingredient in making your interaction mutually beneficial and productive. More>

Drinking on a social donor visit can certainly be appropriate if done well. Drinking to excess is never a good idea, obviously. In any case, here are some Miss Manners-style tips to keep you straight. More>

What's so great about the Roth IRA, and why does congress continue to support it, even though it means an ultimate loss in tax income for the government? More>

How do you work with energetic entrepreneurs? What characteristics do they have and what should you be prepared for? More>

Charitable giving is usually a family affair. The best strategy is usually one that includes everyone who will participate in the gift making decision as early in the relationship as possible. More>

The Oxford English Dictionary defines trust as "firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of character." Other dictionaries give a host of synonyms: R More>

Founded in 2001, CFRE International is an independent nonprofit organization whose sole mission is dedicated to setting standards in philanthropy through a valid and reliable certification process for fundraising professionals. More>

Check out this hugely advantageous and yet totally underutilized tool for helping donors make a major gift. More>