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Check out these five recommended readings that, taken together, create an important global view of the world of high net worth philanthropy. More>

A few days after a staff training session focused on gifts of real estate, a relatively new gift officer named Russell left his office in the Midwest for a week of donor visits. More>

In today's competitive climate for philanthropic dollars, gift planning knowledge is an essential tool for success. More>

As a small development shop looking to grow, what will make you successful? Let's take a look at the key characteristics. More>

Whether you have already filed your current year taxes and received your refund, or if you are still procrastinating and have no plans to do your taxes before April 15 – do yourself a favor. What is your Adjusted Gross Income (AGI)? More>

Everyone's time is precious. Make sure you are getting the most out of your donor visits by clearly articulating the purpose of the meeting ahead of time. More>

Don't assume that high-net worth people and their advisors are well informed about what kinds of assets can be gifted. More>

A recent article in Forbes magazine about the 2012 changes to federal tax laws put the complexity of the laws into some perspective. Here are a couple of fun questions based on that article. More>

To be a great major gift officer you have to be really good at listening to your donors. Listen for clues to help them make a better gift, and practice your response to these common concerns. More>

When working with a donor on a proposed gift of real estate to your organization, you need to gather some key details early in the process. Read about the top 5 things to cover in your first contact about a potential real estate gift. More>