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A Donor Advised Fund (DAF) is one of the fastest-growing options in philanthropy, and there are good reasons why. In fact, DAFs have surged ahead of private Family Foundations in terms of popularity. More>

Gift officers are not Boy Scouts, but the Scouts' motto of Be Prepared fits well in the realm of the gift officer. Below, please find what we're calling guidelines but could just as well be called strategies— tactics for developing a successful gift officer modus operandi. More>

Most donors don't naturally think of life insurance as an asset they may be able to give to your organization. Don't shy away from it--bringing up the subject of life insurance doesn't require you to be an expert on the topic. More>

Understanding the ins and outs of the gift vehicles available to you and your donors is incredibly valuable to your work as a gift officer. More>

The process of accepting any noncash gift involves a number of details and support functions. More>

So many of us have not yet reached the time in life when we concentrate on our own estate plans. More>

Generally speaking, life estate agreements are advantageous for individuals who desire to spen More>

A Mutual Fund is: a fund operated by an investment company which raises money from shareholders and invests in a group of assets in accordance with a stated set of objectives. More>