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Tom Mesaros, the president and CEO of the Alford Group, talks about how nonprofits can continue to thrive in an environment of shrinking resources and increased competition. More>

In August 2013, we launched Philanthropy Works for amazing people like you, who work tirelessly and creatively, adding value to our world. More>

Gail Perry is a nationally recognized fundraising guru. In this call, she takes us step by step through how to make a major gift call. More>

It’s been said that all good things must come to an end, and by all indications that is true for the “IRA Charitable Rollover." More>

Keep in mind that we are only one of several sources, so in order to be credible we need to have awareness of the various issues donors are considering when they make a major gift. In other words, we need to know what we're talking about. More>

A recent study asked high net worth individuals to list the groups they had confidence in to solve societal or global problems. More>

Who said “Philanthropy can be a key part of your overall wealth management plan?" More>

There are many examples of heirs being surprised by charitable gifts and challenging the legitimacy of these gifts, accusing the organization of exerting undue influence. Help avoid potential problems for your organization. More>

As a major gift officer you’ve developed a great relationship with Shirley Knot, a significant donor to your organization. How would you handle this potentially complicated situation that arises with Shirley? More>

Often, the best way to have a productive visit is to have a written plan. Here are some ideas: More>