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Stewardship is more than simply thanking donors for their gifts; it’s a philosophy grounded in the desire to treat donors as partners in your work. So what are the essential elements of authentic stewardship? More>

This 22 minute interview covers trends among philanthropic families and what nonprofits should do to engage them. More>

The basic federal estate-tax exclusion amount for estate of people who die in 2015 is $5,430,000, up from $5,340,000 in 2014. More>

In-kind gifts--that is, gifts of tangible personal property (TPP) other than cash or securities--should always be welcome and encouraged. More>

Let's start by getting a handle on why having an understanding of the nuts and bolts of the tax advantages available to donors through varous gifting channels is so important to your success. More>

How do people with money think about money? To be truly successful, you need to become conversant about money, and this section will help you do so. More>

This is a widely used statement outlining an "industry standard" of what how we, as fundraisers and nonprofits, should view and treat our donors. More>

Wondering how to approach that first visit to a major gift prospect? Mayo Clinic Development Officer Patrick Steward offers his top three goals for a first visit to a potential benefactor. More>

A donor wants to make a $20,000 outright gift to your organization. What's the difference to his bottom line if he: 1) writes a check for $20,000, or 2) gifts the stock, or 3) sells the stock and gifts the proceeds? More>