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What does it take to be the best? In this short call we explore the top three attributes of the most effective major and principal gift officers. More>

We know that being well prepared with a creative major gift proposal can make a big difference. But should you use technology in the ask? More>

Jacqueline was three years into her MGO career when she first met with Denise, an alumnus of the school of engineering, class of ’72. They began building a warm relationship, and Jacqueline considered Denise to be a prospect for a major gift. More>

You don't have to be an expert in charitable life income arrangements in order to help your donor. Check out this creative way that a savvy gift officer helped his donor to make a great gift. More>

As more and more of our major donors use Donor Advised Funds, it's our responsibility to have a confident understanding of this important tool. More>

Andrew walks us step-by-step through a qualifying visit including what it is, why it's important, what we're hoping to discover. More>

For every major donor prospect you are meeting with, there are likely 8 – 10 other organizations also considering that person. What are you bringing to your donors that differentiates you from others? More>

In this podcast, we talk about ways that you can incorporate a planned giving conversation into a visit with any donor. More>

It’s not how donors give that is important. what’s important is that they give; so why do we artificially separate the tasks of major gift officers and planned giving officers? More>

Imagine that you are engaged in an important conversation with a potential donor - and a family member calls your cell phone. What do you do? More>