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A look at the finer points of when and why and how to start the conversation about estate planning with your donors. More>

To our community of members and friends: Thank you. We've learned a lot from you in the last year. More>

As we face the recurring challenges of fundraising, let's step back and look at the true potential of what we do. If we adapt the way we think, we have heightened and sustained success, and truly love our jobs more in the process. More>

If there was ever a year when your organization should be receiving gifts of securities, this is it. More>

When you meet with a prospective donor, asking about their life insurance policy (or policies) is well worth your while. But how should you ask them and what, specifically, are the questions you should ask? More>

Life insurance has long been and continues to be a source of great charitable gifts. Why don't donors make gifts of their life insurance policies more frequently? More>

Let's take a look at nine things that are essential for fundraisers to know about gifts of life insurance policies. More>

As your donors scramble to get everything done before the end of the year, it's good to know exactly when and how their gifts needs to be in the door to count for 2014. More>

Check out the ACGA website and get familiar with who they are and what they do. More>

Check out three more noteworthy items from a recent study offering valuable insight into how high net worth people think about their finances and their philanthropy. More>